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Media Briefing  

top stories

MPs to investigate growing threat to democracy

Fake news / MPs to investigate growing threat to democracy

Culture, media and sport committee will seek a definition and investigate how BBC might help to stop spread of false stories


Melania Trump can proceed with libel lawsuit against blogger, judge says


Sky to offer full TV service without a dish for the first time


The Great British Bake Off to return to TV screens in 2017


Macomb v media / Voters who read little news think Trump had a great first week


Alex Gibney confirms documentary about former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes



You don’t have to act like a newspaper on the net

You don’t have to act like a newspaper on the net

Peter Preston


The launch of two new-brand websites by the Washington Post and Politico hint at a youthful, hopeful future for legacy media groups in cyberspace


In politics, great things do come out of America

Peter Preston


Watch the Mail go into Pannick mode

Peter Preston


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